Waitomo moving to Water Alert Level 2

8 Feb 2021, 9:00 AM

All Waitomo district residents on a council water supply will move to Water Alert Level 2 on Thursday.


Water Alert Level 2 means sprinklers can only be used between six and eight in the morning or evening on alternate days. Houses with even street numbers can use sprinklers on even days and odd-numbered houses are able to use sprinklers on odd days. Hand-held hosing is still allowed at any time.


Waitomo District Council’s (WDC) general manager infrastructure services Tony Hale said the move will help conserve the water supply across the district particularly where water sources are more affected by changing weather conditions.


“Last summer’s drought is still firmly in our minds as we make this move, we want to prolong our water supply as long as possible, so we hope the small adjustment will be easy to do.


Now is also a good time to address any leaks, turn off taps, and make other small changes to be mindful about how you use your water,” adds Tony.


“With the dry hot weather expected to continue we need to ensure we are using water sustainably, particularly when it comes to outdoor water use on lawns, gardens, pools and for washing vehicles.


If we don’t reduce how much we’re using now and the dry weather continues, a move to Water Alert level 3 may be needed, which will mean no sprinklers are to be used at all.”


Water Alert Level 2 restrictions apply to all households across the Waitomo District who get their water from council supply.