Online Services
On this page you will find links to our online services. Pay your rates, place a general enquiry, request a service, search our cemetery records, make a formal submission, complete a survey or view property, operative district plan and asset information.
Online Payments
Make online payments
Report an issue
Place a service request or make an enquiry.
Formal Submission
Make a formal submission to a Council document that is out for public consultation.
Property Snapshot
Select your property, view a summary of rating information, and create a Property Snapshot document to download.
Operative District Plan Snapshot
Select your property, view a summary of Operative District Plan information, and create a Snapshot document to download.
Proposed District Plan Snapshot
Select your property, view a summary of Proposed District Plan information, and access chapters and other relevant documents to download.
Property Information
View property information contained within the Waitomo District Council’s Rating Information Database (RID).
Cemetery Records Search
We have made it quick and easy to access cemetery records. The physical location within a cemetery can be confirmed together with a photo of the headstone and other plot information.
Online Mapping Service
View Waitomo District Council’s asset data and information, property and road boundaries and more using Intramaps.