Emergency Management

The Waitomo District Council provides an emergency management capacity over a range of functions that include hazard identification, risk reduction, community and emergency planning, response management and recovery planning and facilitation.

Impacting emergency events in New Zealand can occur through man-made and natural disaster events effecting many communities, businesses and organisations. Emergency management has National and Regional benefits in that this service provides for the safety and general well-being of the Waitomo District community under the civil defence and emergency management network.

Should any impacting emergency occur council must not only manage the emergency event to counteract any immediate effect of this but, must also manage the short, medium and long term recovery of the district holistically.

Click on the tabs below for more in-depth information in each category.

The role of Civil Defence The aim of Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) is to ensure the safety of people, property and the environment. We do this by identifying...
CIVIL DEFENCE UPDATES - 2024 13 September 2024 Heavy rain watch Metservice has issued a heavy rain watch for the Waitomo district. The watch is valid from midnight Friday 13...
New Zealand has lots of different natural hazards. Earthquakes, tsunami, landslides, flooding, severe weather, volcanic activity. Other hazards include climate and coastal erosion,...
Recovery means the coordinated efforts and processes to bring about the immediate, medium and long-term holistic regeneration and enhancement of a community following an impacting...
Previously known as the Earthquake Commission (EQC), the Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake exists to reduce the impact on people and property when natural hazard events...
Fire and Emergency New Zealand operates under the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017.