Food Business

New Business and Operators after 1 March 2016

The Food Act 2014 came into effect 1 March 2016.  The new law recognises that each business is different and is a positive step forward from the old Act and its one-size-fits-all approach to food safety.  The new Act provides a clear exemption to allow Kiwi traditions like fundraising sausage sizzles or home baking at school fairs to take place. The only rule will be that food that is sold must be safe.

The central feature of the new Act is a sliding scale where businesses that are a higher risk from a food safety point of view will operate under more stringent food safety requirements and checks than lower risk food businesses.

Any person establishing a new business will require the operator to register either a Food Control Plan or a National Programme.

It is recommended that operators first view the information at Ministry of Primary Industries Food Act Overview and then make an appointment with the Environmental Health Officer.

Please complete the ‘Scope of Operations’ document prior to submitting the ‘Application for Registration under the Food Act 2014’.  The scoping document ensures that you apply for the registration that is most applicable to your business.

If a business changes hands, the new owner will need to register under the Food Act 2014.

  • If you are discharging into the wastewater system you will need to contact Trade Waste 0800 932 4357. For more information, check out our guide below (Related Links).
  • You will need to ensure your business is a permitted activity in regards to Planning, contact our Duty Planner to seek advise.
  • If you have done building work, or are changing the use of the premises you will also need to comply with the Building Code. Contact our Building Department.
  • A separate licence is required for Hawkers, Mobile Shops, Mobile Traders and Stalls.

For more information, contact our Customer Services Team on 0800 932 4357.

Changes to the Simply Safe and Suitable template

The Simply Safe and Suitable template food control plan is changing. All food businesses must update specific cards/pages by 30 June 2023 and adjust to the new plan by 20 February 2024.

Some fundamental changes to the plan are:

  • changing the pH requirements for acidified rice in the 'Making sushi' card
  • adding time/temperature requirements for hot smoking seafood
  • allowing food businesses to prove their method for cooling freshly cooked food, and reheating food
  • expanding the scope of the 'Using acid to control bugs' requirements to allow for more than just pickling of meat, fruits and vegetables
  • updating the visual description of the 2-hour/4-hour requirement
  • adding a visual description of the cooling freshly cooked food requirement

You can get the updated cards and plan by:

  •  Downloading individual cards or the full plan from the Ministry of Primary Industries, link here
  • Or purchase the hardcopy A4 size Template from Council Office

If you have any questions, please contact the Environmental Health Team on 0800 932 4357.

Food safety law

Legislation is necessary to protect the health of customers. It helps ensure that all food businesses meet requirements that will enable them to produce and sell safe food.

Legislation that presently applies to food businesses is the Food Act

The Act is concerned with the sale of food that is fit to eat. The Regulations specify conditions that have to be met if food is to be produced for sale. They also detail practices that the business owner ('the occupier') must follow to prevent food contamination, food poisoning and the spread of communicable disease.

Visit the link for full information on food safety law and regulations.

Selling at market

See Requirements for Hawkers, Mobile Shops, Mobile Traders and Events in Public Places here (PDF 3 MB)

If you plan to sell food you may also need to be registered as a food premise under The Food Act 2014.