Creative Communities Scheme

The fund was set up by Creative New Zealand in 1996 and the local distribution of that fund is administered by Waitomo District Council.

The fund's primary objective is the support of arts and cultural activities that encourage participation in a wide range of arts activities.

All projects eligible for funding must be arts and cultural projects that:

  • Increase participation in the arts at a local level or increase the range and diversity of the arts available to local communities.
  • Take place within the district to which the application is made, and/or produce benefits that are largely experienced within that district.
  • Not have started before an application for funding is assessed.
  • Not have been already funded by Creative New Zealand for the same purpose.

Expenses ineligible for funding;

  • Administration/operating costs Creative Communities
  • Buildings and/or redevelopment
  • Debt servicing
  • Fundraising

Information required includes:

  • Detailed proposal and quote for requested funding
  • Budget and time frame for project
  • How much funding is required, how much you have in hand, and how the shortfall will be met
  • Who else has been asked, has given or is giving funds
  • Either financial statement or audited accounts
  • Deposit slip

Decision Process

Applications are considered approximately three weeks after the application closing date. You can expect to receive notification of the result within the 4 weeks following the decision.


Once the project is complete, a project report form must be completed to document and confirm how the grant funds were spent. Successful applicants must also acknowledge Creative Communities contribution to the project.

How to apply

Applications have closed