Sign up for Shake Out 2023

29 Sep 2023, 5:03 PM

The Western Waikato Emergency Management Group is encouraging as many people as possible to take part in this year’s ‘Shake Out 2023’ national earthquake drill and tsunami hīkoi on 19 October.

The annual Shake Out exercise encourages schools, businesses, organisations, and whānau to sign-up online then ‘Drop, Cover, Hold’ when the “practice” earthquake hits.

Western Waikato Emergency Management Operations Manager Dave Simes says exercises such as the Shake Out are a great way of keeping yourself, your friends and whānau safe by instinctively knowing what to do in the event of a real earthquake.

“With New Zealand being located on the boundary of two of the world’s major tectonic plates we are particularly earthquake prone,” he says.

“We can’t predict when one will happen, but we can protect ourselves and our whānau. It's important to practice the right action to take so that when a real earthquake happens, you know what to do.”

To take part in ShakeOut 2023 visit the website: where you will find everything you need to know about taking part.

By registering, you will also go in the draw to win a Civil Defence wheelie bin or a personal grab bag.

The website also contains useful resources including posters, videos, and articles to help you, your whānau, and friends learn how to prepare and respond to a real earthquake event.

The Western Waikato Emergency Management Group comprises Waitomo, Ōtorohanga and Waipā District Councils.