Severe Thunderstorm Watch

Metservice has issued a severe thunderstorm watch for our district for Friday 7 February 2025. The watch is valid from 2pm to 8pm. Stay safe and follow Metservice to stay up to date.


WDC Notices

19 May 2016

TENDER NOTICE - Contract 500/15/006

Les Munro Centre Courtyard Development

Tenders are invited for the hard landscaping associated with the courtyard redevelopment, Les Munro Centre, King Street, Te Kuiti.

The work includes part demolition of the existing concrete hard surface, deck construction, associated paving, stainless handrails and mowing strips within the courtyard area

Tender documents in hard copy form will be available upon request from the main reception, Ground Floor, Waitomo District Council, Queen Street, Te Kuiti. Phone (07) 878-0800.

Tenders close at the Waitomo District Council at 4.00pm on 9th June 2016. 


Notice of Impounding and Proposed Sale of Impounded Stock

The Impounding Act 1955, Section 46(2)

The under mentioned stock, having been seized for impounding at Auahi South Road, Piopio, is impounded at Waitomo District Council’s Stock Pound, Esplanade, Te Kuiti.

Description of Stock

  • 1 black and tan kunekune boar

Notice is hereby given that the unclaimed stock will be sold by public auction or otherwise disposed of in accordance with the Impounding Act 1955 at Waitomo District Stock Pound, Esplanade, Te Kuiti 10.00am , Thursday 26 May 2016.

Dated at Te Kuiti this 19th day of May 2016

By order of Waitomo District Council


Rating Information Database available for public inspection

Pursuant to Section 28 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, Waitomo District Council gives notice that the district valuation roll and rates records are available for public inspection at the office of Waitomo District Council, Queen Street, Te Kuiti between the hours of 8.00am and 5.00pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm on Wednesdays.

The Rating Information Database contains information required by the Council for setting and assessing rates on each rating unit within the Waitomo District.  The owners’ names and postal addresses of the properties are available for inspection unless Council has received a request in writing for withholding the owner’s names and postal addresses from the database.

All requests for suppression of names and postal addresses must be made in writing and addressed to Waitomo District Council, PO Box 404, Te Kuiti 3941.