Fees and Charges 2024/25 Consultation
16 Apr 2024, 9:00 AM
We are seeking your feedback on the proposed Fees and Charges for 2024/2025.
Our fees and charges play an important role in the delivery of the services we provide to our communities. To ensure our fees and charges are robust, we review them annually.
The fees and charges are set for services that we provide but don’t rate for, on the principal of user pays.
As part of the budgeting process for Year 1 of the LTP 2024-2034, fees and charges are reviewed to ensure the costs of providing these Council services are recovered by those who use them. This annual review provides the opportunity to reflect changes in the costs and services.
Due to the increased operating costs, most fees and charges are being increased by 5% in line with current inflation. We need to ensure costs are recovered so that Council services are not subsidised further by rates.
Visit our webpage for more information and to have your say.
Consultation starts on Tuesday 16 April 2024 and closes at 5pm Friday 17 May 2024.