E Tū Maniapoto - Marae/Papakāinga/Whenua Māori Capacity Building Seminar
Saturday 29 April 2023 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā kaiwhakahaere o tātou whenua, nau mai haere mai ki te hui ‘E Tū Maniapoto’.
The Ngāti Maniapoto Marae PACT Trust invite you to its E Tū Maniapoto Marae/Papakāinga/Whenua Māori – Capacity Building Seminar.
When: Saturday 29 April 2023
Where: Les Munro Centre, Te Kūiti
Time: 9.30am to 3pm
The intent of the hui is to help support you with your development pathways.
If this event is of interest to you, and for catering purposes, please confirm your attendance at your nearest convenience by emailing [email protected]