District Flooding Updates

In January and February 2023, the Waitomo district experienced widespread damage to homes, property, businesses, and infrastructure as a result of the weather events generated by Cyclone Hale, Auckland Anniversary weather event, and Cyclone Gabrielle.

Some of our Te Kūiti residents and businesses were impacted again by a short period of intense rain on Sunday 8 October which overwhelmed the stormwater network.

This page provides updates about Council's work on our stormwater network and our plan to build further resilience in the network.



In January and February 2023 the Waitomo district experienced widespread damage to homes, property, businesses, and infrastructure as a result of the weather events generated by Cyclone Hale, Auckland Anniversary weather event and Cyclone Gabrielle.  Some of our Te Kūiti west residents were hit again by a short period of intense rain on Sunday 8 October which overwhelmed the stormwater network.

Unfortunately, the repair and recovery works prioritised after the weather events earlier in the year were unable to alleviate the damage caused by the significant and isolated October rain event. Damage included flooding, gravel displacement and scouring to properties in the western of Te Kūiti.

Waitomo District Council is working on several plans, both long-term and short-term to help restore, repair, and improve the resilience of the stormwater network. This will help reduce the impact of future weather events.

Most of the stormwater network in Te Kūiti is designed for a two-year storm event, but we are finding that weather patterns have changed, and these rain events are happening more frequently and are much more intense.

As a result, additional investment is required to ensure our infrastructure can more readily cope with the increased frequency and intensity of these weather events.

Service Requests related to the flooding events, and concerns raised at the community meeting have identified short, medium, and long-term issues.

Information relating to insurance is provided as a separate fact sheet, to cover all relevant detail.  


Links to important documents

Council Business Paper - Report on Findings 28.11.23 (PDF 193 KB)

11 October 2023 Media Release

13 December 2023 Media Release

18 March 2024 Media Release

Minutes from the 17 October public meeting (PDF 82 KB)

Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 212 KB)

Insurance information (PDF 160 KB)





July 2024

More than $6 million dollars will be spent on improving the Te Kūiti stormwater network over the next five years.

As part of Waitomo District Council’s recent Long Term Plan consultation and adoption, elected members have agreed to a significant investment, which includes two major projects being undertaken - constructing attenuation ponds to capture stormwater during intense rainfall, and modelling of the Te Kūiti stormwater system which will identify where more significant works may be required.

Other improvements have already been underway this year following the two weather events in 2023, which saw areas of Te Kūiti impacted by flooding.

This work has included upgrading culvert headwalls to wing walls to help reduce blockages where surface water is going into the network and installation of scruffy domes.


June 2024

After flooding events during Oct 2023 a three-phased plan was made to help reduce the impact of future flooding in Te Kūiti,

Stage 1 could be immediately implemented and included minor upgrades to the existing stormwater catchpits in specific locations where surface flooding was the worst.

This package of works included installation of 36 double catchpits, kerb improvements, 14 headwalls and various other improvements.

These works are designed to convey water into the existing stormwater network and provide some relief to the surface flooding.



April 2024

Long Term Plan Consultation

Our Council has carefully considered what we need to do in the next 10 years to improve the wellbeing of our district and build resilience for the future.

We are faced with a number of challenges that we need to address. Your feedback will help us decide how to approach these over the next 10 years. These proposals have been outlined in our Consultation Document for the draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034 (LTP).

Included is a proposal to invest in Te Kūiti flooding remedies, which involves constructing retention ponds to capture stormwater during intense rainfall, and modelling of the Te Kūiti stormwater system.

Read about it here



March 2024

A project to improve parts of the Te Kūiti stormwater network will kickstart this month. General Manager Infrastructure Services, Shyamal Ram says the work being undertaken will help alleviate the impact of future weather events and provide greater insight into what is causing potential weak spots in the network.


December 2023

Waitomo District Council has released a report on the findings of the October rainfall event that caused significant flooding to the western side of Te Kūiti.

Received by Council on 28 November, the report provided a summary of the flooding event and the impact, and information on staged works to improve the resilience of the stormwater network.

It also identified potential budget implications for both the roading and water activity groups as a flag for future decision making.

Read the full media release

Read the report of the findings (PDF 193 KB)



October 2023

A project to undertake modelling of the Te Kūiti stormwater system is underway and will now be expanded. The modelling will identify where more significant works may be required such as larger pipes or retention ponds. This will be a costly exercise and options will be considered based on budget and design.

We have also:

  • Further cleared stormwater drains in the western area of Te Kūiti following the 8 October event
  • Removed outlet screens from open drains 
  • Cleaned out catchpits in the western area of Te Kūiti
  • Replaced a stormwater main on Hill Street and George Street
  • Undertaken CCTV footage work on critical stormwater pipes
  • Identified open drains for possible installation of wingwalls or other stormwater devices


Post January flooding event

We have identified critical sites in the western area of Te Kūiti, particularly around the Hospital Road and Ngatai Street area. We are regularly monitoring these drainage sites before and after a rainfall event. All stormwater drains in this area have been unblocked, so water running through them will not be restricted.

We have also:

  • Unblocked stormwater drains on Ward Street, Ngatai Street, George Street. Te Kūiti Road, Ngarongo Street and Anzac Street
  • Repaired a stormwater pipe on Park Street that had been damaged by tree roots
  • Replaced a damaged watermain pipe on Mangarino Street

Since the Auckland Anniversary event in January 2023, more funding has gone into stormwater improvements such as improving stormwater inlets and cesspits and will include installation of scruffy domes and wing walls (pictured), which will help with capturing debris before it blocks a drain or outlet.
