Large scale works along Carroll Street/SH3 in New Year

Significant traffic diversions will be in place in the New Year as large-scale works will be undertaken along Carroll Street/SH3 in Te Kūiti. From mid-January 2025, Carroll Street/SH3 will be reduced to one lane to allow for Council’s contractor Camex Civil to replace a large watermain. Read more

Road works at Rora Street level crossing
Higgins Contractors will be undertaking a full replacement of the Rora Street level crossing near Te Kūiti Primary School. The work will be carried out over two days from 5am on Sunday 19 January 2025 through to midnight on Monday 20 January. Traffic diversions will be in place.
Please note this work is separate to the railway crossing works being undertaken by Fulton Hogan at the southern end of Rora Street at the same time.

Upgrade - stages 3 and 4

24 Jan 2014, 2:53 PM

Upgrade work is well underway at the Waitomo Cultural and Arts Centre. Stages 3 and 4 of the planned work involves various aspects that will serve to improve the "look" of this area, including work to the ceiling and lights. This is one of the most significant parts of the upgrade.

Further information about the upgrade will feature in February's issue of the Waitomo Way.

Mail Hall - ceiling upgrade

Mail Hall - ceiling upgrade 2