Keep Waitomo vibrant and thriving
16 Jan 2014, 8:00 AM
The illegal dumping of rubbish (also known as fly-tipping) has unfortunately become an issue in the Waitomo District.
Fly-tipping is the illegal, deliberate dumping of waste on public or private property. It includes everything from black bin bags to large quantities of domestic waste. Fly-tipped waste is often found in areas such as lay-bys, river banks, on private land and rural roads; often hidden out of sight. The ‘hot-spots’ in the Waitomo district are Oparure Road and Troopers Road.
Dumped waste can confirm the identity of the offender, but in some cases the offenders have vacated the district, making the value in a prosecution problematic.
Various issues arise from fly-tipping. WDC must allocate valuable ratepayer funding to clean up dumped rubbish when this could be used to fund other areas of work that would better serve to improve our lovely towns and surrounding areas.
Fly-tipping is detrimental to our district because:
it’s hazardous to people and wildlife and damages the environment;
it spoils the enjoyment of our towns, villages and countryside;
it undermines WDC’s waste management efforts such as providing rural waste transfer stations and a kerbside collection service aimed at controlling the disposal of waste.
Illegal dumping of rubbish is an offence under Section 15 of the Litter Act 1979. In order for WDC to assist enforcement action, we are asking the public to report vehicle registrations or other identifying details of people who are suspected of illegally dumping rubbish.
If you see someone fly-tipping…
Make a note of the vehicle type, colour and registration plate number and a description of the person fly-tipping. You can then report the incident to WDC on free phone 0800 932 4357 and please provide details about the exact location. Your personal details will remain confidential.