Council continues its journey with draft 10 Year Plan
21 Apr 2021, 8:00 AM
“If there was ever a time to have your say on the future of Waitomo District, that time is now.”
That is the message from Waitomo Mayor John Robertson, who is urging residents to have their say on Waitomo District Council’s Draft 10 Year Plan (10YP) consultation document, which was released today.
Titled ‘The Journey Ahead – Te Haerenga Kei Mua’, the draft 10YP sets out Council’s plans and aspirations for the next 10 years.
“The 10 Year Plan is our most important planning tool that sets out what Council intends to do over the next decade - and how it'll be paid for,” says John.
“It includes detailed information about the activities, services and projects Council intends on delivering, when they’ll be delivered, where and how.
“It also includes funding and financial management information. Ultimately it tells you what your rates may look like for the next 10 years.”
John says elected members have made a number of choices for the journey ahead.
“Importantly, we have carefully considered the Council’s financial and infrastructure challenges alongside the issues of affordability of rates and Council debt levels.
“Over the life of this draft 10 Year Plan, we expect rate increases to be low. Next year, the total rates we collect will be less than what we collected in this current year – meaning a slight rate decrease overall.
“However, we have formed the Plan in a climate of uncertainty; a time when the COVID-19 pandemic continues to hurt the economic fabric of parts of our community, the housing market is under stress, and Central Government is considering significant reform of Council operations.
“It is important to keep in mind that while the first two to three years of the financial part of this draft 10 Year Plan will be reasonably reliable, the forecasts for later years are likely to be revised."
The consultation period begins on Wednesday 21 April 2021 and ends at 5pm on Wednesday 21 May.
Meetings and drop-in sessions have been organised for residents throughout the district to discuss the draft 10 Year Plan with the Mayor and Councillors.