WDC Notices

29 Sep 2016, 8:29 AM

Notice for Closure of Road/Street

To Ordinary Vehicular Traffic

PURSUANT to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given that the Waitomo District Council, for the purpose of the Hamilton Car Club Rally 2016 will close the following roads/streets to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated:

Date: Saturday, 1 October 2016

Period of Closure: 10:30 am to 3:00 pm

Streets/Roads: Hauturu Road – Starting from district boundary to 1.5km before Te Anga Rd intersection.

Ngapaenga Road – From approximately RP3000 (end of seal) to Waitangauru and Pomarangai Roads intersection. 

Waitanguru Road – From the Ngapaenga and Pomarangai Roads intersection to 500m before Maire Road intersection.

Pungarehu Road – From Mangaotaki and Waitanguru Roads intersection to intersection of Mairoa Road.



Mokau Water Supply - mains replacement project

WDC have commenced work to replace part of the piped water infrastructure in Mokau. 

The first phase of a staged replacement pipe programme has been completed. WDC has installed additional shut-off service valves on the Mokau water main that runs underground adjacent to State Highway 3 in the township, to isolate smaller sections of the reticulation.

This work forms part of the mains replacement project that is scheduled for this coming summer. As a result of the recent failure of the water supply mains, the timing of the replacement works has been brought forward. WDC will commence phase two of the project shortly and install a new water main along SH3 from the water main pump station to Rerenga Street. There will be short periods of disruption to the availability of the water supply as we connect up the new works to the existing reticulation network. We understand that this might be inconvenient, and we ask Mokau residents to bear with us during this time. Residents will be notified in advance of the scheduled work.

Any concerns or complaints about the Mokau water supply can be made by phoning 0800 932 4357. WDC’s after-hours call centre operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.