WDC Notices
27 Aug 2019, 6:00 AM
Proposal for Temporary Closure of Road/Street
To Ordinary Vehicular Traffic
PURSUANT to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given that the Waitomo District Council, for the purpose of the Hamilton Car Club Rally 2019 proposes to temporarily close the following roads/streets to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated:
Date: Saturday, 19 October 2019
Period of Closure: As indicated at each stage section below:
SPECIAL STAGE 1 = Waitewhena Road – 19th October 2019 road closure from 07.00 am to 10.30 am (Waitomo DC)
Start Kumara Rd – Rapid #619, Left onto Waitewhena Rd, Continue on Waitewhena Rd past Ohura Rd, Finish boundary of Waitomo DC / Ruapehu DC
SPECIAL STAGE4 = Ohura Nth Road – 19th October 2019 road closure from 10.30am – 2.30pm (Waitomo DC)
From Waitomo DC / Ruapehu DC, Matiere Rd, Right onto Oniao Rd, Finish Intersection of Oniao Rd / Mokauiti Rd
SPECIAL STAGE 5 = Pungarehu Rd – 19th October 2019 road closure from 1.00pm – 5.00pm (Waitomo DC)
Start Pungarehu Rd / Mairoa Rd Intersection, All Pungarehu Rd, Right on Mangaotaki Rd, Left onto Waitanguru Rd, Right onto Ngapaenga Rd, Finish Ngapaenga Rd and Waipuna Rd Intersection
SPECIAL STAGE 6 = Hauturu Rd – 19th October 2019 road closure from 2.00pm – 5.30pm (Waitomo DC)
Start Hauturu Rd / Te Anga Rd Intersection, All Hauturu Rd to Waitomo DC / Otorohanga DC
Note: To assist with the stage security, the closure is also to include 50 meters of each adjoining road, from where it intersects with this road closure being applied for.
Any person objecting to the proposal is called upon to lodge notice of objection and grounds thereof in writing, before 5:00 pm Friday 20 September 2019 at the office of Waitomo District Council, Queen Street, Te Kuiti.
Proposal for Temporary Closure of Road/Street
To Ordinary Vehicular Traffic
PURSUANT to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given that the Waitomo District Council, for the purpose of the URG Targa Car Club Rally 2019 proposes to temporarily close the following roads/streets to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated:
Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Period of Closure: As indicated at each stage section below:
STAGE NAME 5 = Kawhia Harbour – 29 October 2019 road closure from 12:15 pm to 16.45pm (Waitomo DC)
Harbour Road – START - at its intersection with SH31, Past Te Kauri Road (no exit), Past Berntsen Road, Past Kihi Road (no exit), Past Hauturu Road, Past Rakaunui Road (no exit), Past Whenuaapo Road (no exit), Continue into Kawhia Harbour Road at its intersection with Owhiro Road (no exit) and Waipuna Road (no exit), Past Waitaumanu Way, Past Kowhainui Rise, Past Willow Point Road, Past Brown Road (no exit), Left into Te Waitere Road Left into Taharoa Road, Past Taumatatotara West Road (no exit), Past Taumatatotara East Road (no exit), Right into Marakopa Road at its intersection with Te Anga Road, Past Coutts Road (no exit), Past Te Karaka Road (no exit) Past Kairimu Road (no exit).
STAGE NAME 6 = Marakopa/Awakino- 29 October 2019 road closure from 13:40pm to 16:10pm (Waitomo DC).
Mangatoa Road - START is 500m into the gravel, Continue into Manganui Road at its intersection with Waikawau Road (no exit), Past Crawford Road (no exit) Past Ordish Road, Manganui Road - FINISH is at its intersection with Taumatamaire Road
Note: To assist with the stage security, the closure is also to include 50 meters of each adjoining road, from where it intersects with this road closure being applied for.
Any person objecting to the proposal is called upon to lodge notice of objection and grounds thereof in writing, before 5:00 pm Tuesday 1 October 2019 at the office of Waitomo District Council, Queen Street, Te Kuiti.