On this page you’ll find out how to submit an application for a resource consent, including:
- where to send your application
- what information you’ll need to include
- where you can go for help.
You’ll also find information about how we assess applications.
Preparing your resource consent application
If you need to apply for a resource consent, your first step is to contact us and speak to a planner. They will provide guidance on what you need to do.
To begin the application process, fill out the relevant application form. You can also pick one up from the Te Kuiti Office.
When completing an application for a resource consent we recommend referring to this helpful guide.
All applications (subdivision and landuse consent) need an Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE). You can learn more about these by following these links:
Guide to preparing a basic AEE - Ministry for the Environment
AEE requirements - Resource Management Act 1991
The more detailed and accurate your information, the more quickly and efficiently we will be able to process your application.
Forms and guidelines
Please click here for forms and guidelines.
Where to send your Resource Consent Application
Applications for a Resource Consent are sent to [email protected]
Getting help
You can request a pre-application meeting for a complex project or to discuss options and help you prepare your application for a resource consent.
To complete your application, you can also get help from a professional where appropriate, such as a:
- resource management consultant
- surveyor (in the case of subdivision applications)
- engineer
- landscape architect
- arborist
- archaeologist, heritage specialist, or other specialist advisor
- lawyer.
To find professional advice, you can try:
- Envirolink - for local environmental specialists
- NZ Institute of Surveyors
- NZ Planning Institute
- NZ Institute of Landscape Architects
- The Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand
- The Association of Consulting Engineers New Zealand
- NZ Law Society
- Yellow Pages - search under Resource Management Consultants or Surveyors.
It may also be important to get advice from tangata whenua (local iwi or hapū authorities).
For a helpful guide to the resource consent process, you can also view the Ministry for the Environment's Everyday Guide to the Resource Management Act.
Application assessment
Once we receive your resource consent application, our staff will assess it according to the following process:
Check for completeness
We check that you have provided all of the necessary information in your application.
If details are missing, or plans are not included, or your application is not accompanied by a deposit, it will be returned to you (rejected) with a letter explaining what is missing. This delays the processing of your application and means that when you resubmit the application, we must treat it as a new application.
When we receive a complete application, we will confirm acceptance of your application in writing (typically within ten working days) and provide a reference number for your records.
Assess application
Our planners (and specialists if required) will assess your application within 20 working days (unless further information is required).
If the planner or specialists have questions about your application, they can ask for further information. This is called a ‘section 92’ request, and delays the processing of your application until the information is received.
You can expect that the planner will keep you updated on the progress of your application.
The planner will get input from other specialists as needed. For more complex applications, they may also need to commission a report on some aspect of your application. You will be notified before the report is commissioned, and you may agree or refuse to have the report done. If you refuse, we will still continue assessing your application.
As part of the assessment, the planner will visit the site.
Make recommendations
Our planner will prepare a report that recommends whether anyone is affected or whether the public should be notified about the application and given the chance to submit their feedback.
The planner's report will also recommend whether or not the application should be approved.
More information
See Notifications and hearings for mor e about the approval process, or Conditions, appeals and objections for information on monitoring approved resource consents, and what you can do if your application is denied.
If you are unfamiliar with the resource consent process or would like to discuss your application feel free to get in touch with us and have a chat to one of our Council planners. To contact us call 0800 932 4357 or email us at [email protected]