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The Enviroschools challenge has come to the Waitomo district

30 Oct 2013, 11:08 AM

The Enviroschools challenge aims to raise awareness amongst school students of the need to recycle unwanted TVs and encourage them to influence their whānau to responsibly recycle unwanted TVs.

How does the Enviroschools challenge work? Enviroschools Challenge

All students have to do is get their friends and families to drop off unwanted TVs at the Waitomo District Landfill, at  no cost for a limited time, and nominate an Enviroschool or kura of your choice for a prize.

The Enviroschool or kura that receives the most nominations (averaged over their student roll) in the upper North Island region will win a technology package from the Enviroschools challenge sponsor Samsung.

Nomination forms will be provided to all Enviroschools and kura, and a nomination box is at the Waitomo District Landfill drop off site.


How long does the Enviroschools Challenge run for?

The upper North Island Enviroschools challenge will close on 14 January 2014.


Who can enter the Enviroschools Challenge?

Anyone recycling a TV through the TV TakeBack programme can participate in the Enviroschools challenge.


A list of all participating drop-off sites can be found online at www.tvtakeback.govt.nz and www.enviroschools.org.nz