Stormwater upgrade - Ngatai Street, Duke Street and Hospital Road

15 Aug 2014, 9:47 AM

The upgrade of the stormwater on Ngatai Street/ Duke Street and Hospital Road is now complete. The resealing of the road surface in these areas will be undertaken when the weather improves.

Ngatai Street stormwater works

Photo Caption: Ngatai Street - This is the new inlet structure at the Ward Street open space. The stormwater drain will accept runoff water from Elizabeth Street and Hill Street. New large diameter pipes were laid across Ngatai Street to replace the corroded steel pipes. Road resealing will be completed when weather permits.

Corner Edward and Ngatai Street

Photo Caption: Corner of Edward Street and Ngatai Street - A new large diameter concrete pipe was laid across Ngatai Street to accept runoff water from Mary Street and down Edward Street. 

Duke Street and Hikaka Street

Photo Caption: Corner of Duke Street and Hikaka Street. This is the location of the end of the new 600 mm welded pipe (from from Ngatai Street to Hikaka Street).

Hospital Road

Photo Caption: Hospital Road - A section of new 500 mm concrete pipe was installed to replace the existing 200 mm pipe. Better storm water drainage is provided with new manholes.

The upgrade was necessary because the existing pipes under these streets had aged beyond economical repair. The work will provide improved drainage during periods of heavy rainfall.