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Railway building progress

2 Oct 2014, 9:00 AM

STORY / ARTICLE: WAITOMO NEWS – www.waitomonews.co.nz

Railway building progress WAITOMO District Council is seeking approval from the Historic Places Trust (HPT) to progress with the latest phase of the Te Kuiti Railway Building project.

A proposal has been completed and submitted to HPT for approval to link the main railway building on Rora St in Te Kuiti to the neighbouring i-SITE office.

A total of $62,000 in external funding is also being sought for council to proceed with the ‘community space’ phase of the project which focuses on internal refurbishments.

The aim of the five-year project, which began in 2012, is to re-invigorate and showcase the railway heritage of Te Kuiti while creating a vibrant central hub for the benefit of the community.