Severe Thunderstorm Watch

Metservice has issued a severe thunderstorm watch for our district for Friday 7 February 2025. The watch is valid from 2pm to 8pm. Stay safe and follow Metservice to stay up to date.


Community Update

4 Jun 2015, 1:36 PM

Dog control fees are due 1 July 

Dog registration provides safety and security for dogs, owners and the community. Dog control fees must be paid by Wednesday 1 July 2015 at the WDC Office, Queen Street Te Kuiti or by posting the registration form and fee to WDC, PO Box 404 Te Kuiti 3941. 

Dog owners who are new residents of the district are required to contact WDC on 0800 932 4357.


Coffee and Cake book chat

Each month the Waitomo District Library hosts a book chat. Our group meets to discuss a wide variety of books, share a cup of coffee and discover new titles and authors. Everyone is welcome and we invite you to join us. 

Where: Waitomo District Library Taupiri Street

When: Third Wednesday of every month, 12-1pm.


Winter Warmers reading programme

The Library team are making plans for the next holiday reading programme. Winter Warmers is a fun and free programme that encourages reading in children aged 5 to 12 years.

Children visit the library during the school holidays, talk about what they have been reading and earn some fantastic rewards.

Watch this space for further details



Resident Satisfaction Survey coming soon

Waitomo District Council’s Resident Satisfaction Survey will be arriving in your letter box later this month. 

You are invited to let us know what you think about the services we provide. The information we receive through this survey will be used to report on how we perform against our goals and for future planning purposes. 

Further details will be published in the Waitomo News and on our website.