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Media Release - Chorus

10 Sep 2019

Chorus under way with UFB rollout in

Te Kuiti and Benneydale

Chorus is under way with the rollout of Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) in Te Kuiti and Benneydale, with build due to be completed midway through 2020.

Anyone wanting to connect can simply call their chosen service provider and Chorus works with them to do the rest. Usually this means a technician will visit the property to work out the best way to bring the fibre in and then an appointment will be made to do the connection work inside.

More information can be found here

All build work within Benneydale is due to be completed by April next year and Te Kuiti by July, so this is great news for people who want to take advantage of the benefits ultra-fast broadband brings.

The entire UFB programme covers about 1.3 million houses, businesses, schools and medical centres.

The benefits of fibre have already been widespread throughout New Zealand, enabling improved patient care, allowing better access to educational online resources, and boosting commercial productivity.

As more people are realising the benefits of fibre, demand has increased substantially.

Fibre, together with online streaming services such as Netflix, has transformed customer behaviour with more and more people choosing to stream online video services, and therefore requiring faster internet.

In the meantime, fast broadband is already available in many parts of Te Kuiti and Benneydale via VDSL on the Chorus copper network. To find out if VDSL is available at your address, visit askforbetter.co.nz

Once the build work is complete, a postcard will be delivered to every property explaining how to connect. More information is available on the Chorus website.

Reinstatement work 

There will be instances where minor reinstatement work is required in streets, following completion of the installation of UFB by Chorus.

Once the fibre has been installed, it is tested by Chorus. Once testing is passed, full reinstatement of footpaths and grass berms will be completed by the Chorus contractor, usually within two weeks of works being completed in that street (weather permitting).

If you have a complaint or concern about recent works in your street, please contact Waitomo District Council on 0800 932 4357 so that we can notify Chorus through our Service Request System.