Mokau footpath works nearing completion
30 Jun 2021, 4:02 PM
The installation of new footpaths and associated works in Mokau is nearing completion with residents and visitors now having safer access to amenities throughout the township.
Work to date has included a new footpath and marked carparks by River Run Café, a new concrete path leading to the picnic area across from the Whitebait Inn and small concrete islands by the butchery to reduce trucks parking along that section.
Further planned works include sealing the widened car park areas opposite Whitebait Inn and Takarei Tce, and the new carpark outside the Art Gallery.
Pedestrian lighting will also be installed between the museum and the toilets, as well as new signage near the Whitebait Inn.
Construction work was undertaken by Inframax Construction Ltd.
General manager infrastructure services Tony Hale is pleased with the work and says the new footpaths are part of Council’s plan to improve access, and ultimately the safety of residents and visitors to Mokau.