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In today's Council meeting - 29 November 2022

29 Nov 2022, 9:09 AM

Standing Orders and Code of Conduct adopted

Waitomo District Council’s elected members adopted their Standing Orders for the triennium, which set out the conduct of meetings and Council committees.

Monthly Council meetings will continue to be webcast in real time and available to the public via a link on Council’s website. A provision for members to attend meetings by audio/audiovisual link was also retained.

Elected members also adopted a Code of Conduct and Policy.


 Māori Relationship Committee established

Waitomo District Council has established a Māori Relationship Committee and will be known as Te Raangai Whakakaupapa Koorero.

Mayor John Robertson and Councillors Eady Manawaiti and Dan Tasker will represent Council on the committee, with Councillor Manawaiti nominated as chair.

Chief Executive Ben Smit says Waitomo District Council’s connection with iwi and mana whenua has grown significantly, and the establishment of the new committee will play an important part in strengthening the relationship even further.

“We value the strong partnerships being formed and we look forward to supporting Ngāti Rora and Ngāti Maniapoto in the future with a shared vision of supporting and making our communities vibrant.”


Terms of Reference for the Te Nehenehenui Joint Committee

Elected members approved the draft Terms of Reference for the Te Nehenehenui Joint Committee.

This Committee will be responsible for the process of finalising the joint management agreement as part of the Maniapoto Claims Settlement Act 2022.