WDC Notices
1 Nov 2016
Annual Report 2015/2016
Council’s Annual Report for 2015/16 was adopted on 6 October 2016, with an unmodified audit opinion.
Copies of the full and Summary Annual Report for 2015/16 will be available from Wednesday 2nd November at the Council Office Queen Street and the Waitomo District Library, Taupiri Street, Te Kuiti.
You can also view and download both documents from Council’s website.
Notice of Impounding and Proposed Sale of Impounded Stock
Under Section 46(2) of the Impounding Act 1955
The under mentioned stock, having been seized for impounding at 31 Te Kuiti Road, Te Kuiti is impounded at Waitomo District Council’s Stock Pound, Esplanade, Te Kuiti.
Description of Stock
- 1 Suffolk ewe lamb (white with black face)
Notice is hereby given that, unless claimed by the owner, the stock will be sold by public auction at Waitomo District Stock Pound, Esplanade, Te Kuiti on Tuesday 8th November 2016 at 10.00am in accordance with the Impounding Act 1955.
Dated at Te Kuiti this 1st day of November 2016
By order of Waitomo District Council
Proposal for Closure of Road/Street To Ordinary Vehicular Traffic
PURSUANT to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given that the Waitomo District Council, for the purpose of the Waitomo District Christmas Parade 2016 proposes to close the following roads/streets to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated:
Date: Friday, 9th December 2016
Period of Closure: 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Streets/Roads: Rora Street from Ward Street to South End Loop Road
King Street East from Rora Street to Taupiri Street
Sheridan Street from Rora Street to Taupiri Street
Alternative route(s) available: Esplanade to Lawrence Street to Waitete/Awakino Roads or Esplanade to Tammadge Street to Somerville Road to Te Kumi Station Road to SH3.
Alexandra Street to Taupiri Street to Lawrence Street to Awakino Road or Waitete Road.
Te Kumi Road to Carroll Street and Awakino Road or Waitete Road.
Any person objecting to the proposal is called upon to lodge notice of objection and grounds thereof in writing, before 5:00 pm Friday 11 November 2016 at the office of Waitomo District Council, Queen Street, Te Kuiti.