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WDC Notices

18 Oct 2016

Sport New Zealand Rural Travel Fund

The Waitomo District Council is inviting rural sporting groups and rural school teams to apply for financial assistance through the Rural Travel Fund. There is a fund pool of $9,100 available for distribution.The Rural Travel Fund is designed to help subsidise travel for junior teams participating in local sport competitions.

Applications are open to rural sports clubs and rural school teams with young people aged 5-19 years who require subsidies to assist with transport expenses to local sporting competitions.

Please Note: The Rural Travel Fund is not for the purpose of travel to regional or national events or available for individual athletes or players. Application forms are available on our website or by contacting the Customer Services Team, 07 878 0800 or Free phone 0800 932 4357.

Applications close at 5.00 pm Friday 28 October 2016


WDC Service Information -Labour Day Monday 24 October

WDC Customer Services

 Our Queen Street office closes at 5pm on Friday October 21 and reopens at 8am, Tuesday October 25. For urgent enquiries please call our WDC Helpline 0800 932 4357. Help is on hand 24/7.

AA Driver Licensing

 The WDC AA Counter is closed on Labour Day and reopens at 8.30am on Tuesday October 25.

Waitomo District Aquatic Centre is open on Labour Day 1pm - 5pm.Waitomo District Library is closed on Labour Day.

Te Kuiti i-SITE Visitor Information Centre is open on Labour Day 10am - 2pm.

Waitomo District Landfill is closed on Labour Day.

District Transfer Stations

  Benneydale and Piopio Transfer Stations are closed on Labour Day. 

Awakino/Mokau, Marokopa and Kinohaku Transfer Stations are open on Labour Day as per normal times.

 Kerbside Refuse and Recycling Collection Services - There are no services taking place as per normal.

Waitomo District Mayor, Council members and staff wish you all a happy and safe holiday with family and friends.


Application for Community Funding Community Partnership Fund

The Community Partnership Fund helps WDC to work closely with the community. This fund provides an opportunity for organisations undertaking community projects within the district. Projects must demonstrate strong links to one or more of Councils identified community outcomes.

Applications must include a detailed business or project plan that identifies deliverable achievements and actions showing how groups plan to sustain their project independent of a contribution from this fund.

Projects funded may include, but are not limited to:

  •  Community Building renovations
  •  Urban infrastructure projects
  •  Youth Services/ Facilities
  • Health/Social Programmes

Applications must be received by 5pm Friday 18th November 2016.

To find out more information visit Council’s website www.waitomo.govt.nz or contact Donna Macdonald Community Development Coordinator on 07 878 0803 or 0800 932 4357.