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Creative Communities Scheme

15 Oct 2020, 8:00 AM

2020/2021 - Funding Round One

We’re calling for applications for financial assistance for projects from individuals, groups or organisations that encourage and support arts activities and participation.

Projects must have an arts or creative cultural focus and benefit the Waitomo District Community. Under the scheme “The
Arts” is defined as “all forms of creative and interpretive expression. ”The scheme supports a wide range of arts projects under the following art forms: craft/object arts, dance, inter-arts, literature, Maori Arts, multi-artform (including fi lm), music, Pacific Arts, theatre and visual arts. In this round there is a funding pool of $17,000 available for distribution.

To check your projects eligibility or for further details please visit the funding and grants page on our website or call us on 0800 932 4357.
Applications close 5pm Monday, November 2, 2020.