Severe Thunderstorm Watch

Metservice has issued a severe thunderstorm watch for our district for Friday 7 February 2025. The watch is valid from 2pm to 8pm. Stay safe and follow Metservice to stay up to date.


Hydrant Flushing: Mōkau 31 January - 1 February 2023

26 Jan 2023, 3:32 PM

Council will be undertaking hydrant flushing in Mōkau next week from Tuesday 31 January 2023 - Wednesday 1 February 2023.
Affected streets are:
Tainui Street
Rangi Street
Oha Street
During this time, we’ll make every effort to minimise the impact on supply.
Please – flush your house water by opening your taps and run for about 2-5 minutes. This will remove the suspended solids created during water flushing.
Thank you for your co-operation.