Horses in relation to Council Bylaws
There are a number of different Bylaws that provide rules in regards to the keeping and riding of horses. Any person who breaches the Bylaws may be subject to a fine or prosecution.
Public Places Bylaw (PDF 3 MB)
This Bylaw controls a wide range of activities that occur within our district’s public places to ensure that acceptable standards of convenience, safety, visual amenity, and civic values are maintained in public places for the well-being and enjoyment of citizens, businesses and visitors within the district now and in the future. This Bylaw addresses a wide range of issues that could have an adverse effect on public places and their users.
No person shall take or allow any horse under their control onto any public place if the Council has by resolution or public notice prohibited entry of a horse to that public place.
Any person having control of horses on any public place shall ensure that the horse is kept under proper control, with consideration for other persons using the public place.
No person shall:
- Permit any horse to be on a reserve, beach or other area designated as an area prohibited to horses without the prior consent of an authorised officer;
- Graze horses in any other public place except in accordance with Council policy.
Any person being the owner of or having control of any horse in a public place in an urban area shall immediately remove any faeces deposited by that horse from the public place.
Subject to the requirements of this section every person being the owner or having the care, custody, or control of any horse shall keep and prevent the same from wandering or being at large without proper guidance on any public place.
Public Place means an area that is open to or used by the public, with or without payment of a charge, and which is owned, managed, maintained or controlled by the Council, and includes every road, street, public car park, footpath, court, land, cemetery, reserve, park, access way, Council operated or controlled facility, thoroughfare and walkway of a public nature. |
Public Amenities Bylaw (PDF 215 KB)
Every person operating any vehicle, or leading, riding or driving any horse on any part of any beach must show due consideration for other users of the beach at all times.
Council may prohibit or restrict the leading, riding, driving or swimming of a horse or cattle or other animal on or from any part of a beach which is likely to be used or is ordinarily used or is being used for the purpose of bathing or other recreation.
Any person whose land is adjacent to such beach and who uses the beach as an access to such land has the right to use the beach for this purpose, but the right shall be confined to that portion between such land and the nearest access point.
All vehicles and horses are prohibited on dunes. However, any person wishing to access the beach from an adjoining property or road may use a vehicle or horse on a dune only in a manner that does not cause nor is likely to cause damage to any part of that dune, and that utilises the most direct route possible.
Public Health and Safety Bylaw (PDF 338 KB)
The aim of this Bylaw is to control a diverse range of activities to ensure that acceptable standards of public health and safety are maintained for the wellbeing and enjoyment of citizens, visitors and businesses within the district. In particular, this bylaw addresses a wide range of issues that could have an adverse effect on the health and safety of the public by regulating General Public Nuisances and Specific Public Health Provisions.
Any person keeping stock in an urban area must ensure that premises where stock is kept are secure and meet such conditions as may be prescribed by an authorised officer.
No person shall without having first obtained the written approval of Council, keep, have in his/her possession or control any stallion within any urban area.
People are permitted to ride a horse on the road provided that they abide by the road rules.