Piopio Water Treatment Plant
28 May 2013, 8:59 AM
Around 30 people gathered at the Piopio Water Treatment Plant last Friday 24th May.
The Treatment Plant was officially opened by Piopio resident Jennifer Kearns.
A tour of the Plant site included the natural spring, clarifier, chemical processes and Ultra Filtration (Membrane). The tour was followed by a light lunch at the Piopio Cosmopolitan Club.
Dell Hood Medical Officer of Health from the Waikato District Health Board gave a speech about the importance of quality water supply for the health and well-being of our communities.
Jennifer Kearns was invited to Officially Open the Plant.
Residents, contractors and staff viewing the clarifier tanks at the Piopio Water Treatment Plant.
WDC’s Asset Engineer - Rex Larmen joins Geoff Truscott - Director Masons Engineering NZ Ltd in explaining the high tech filtration system.