Update on NZ Transport Agency project - SH3/SH37 to Te Kuiti
17 Oct 2018, 9:59 AM
Safety improvement work on SH3 between SH37 and Te Kuiti is progressing well. The NZTA are currently making improvements near the Lees Block and Te Kumi Station Road intersections and once this work is done the project will be complete.
You may have noticed earthworks happening near the Lee’s Block Road intersection. NZTA are reconstructing a bank here, to widen the road and add roadside safety barrier to reduce the risk of vehicles going over the steep drop off. The new wider shoulder will also allow space for through traffic to safely pass vehicles turning at the intersection and provide drivers room to recover if they lose control of their vehicle.
NZTA are also building a new truck weigh pit at Te Kumi Station Road intersection. The weigh pit was moved from its original location to create a right turn bay for northbound traffic turning into Te Kumi Station Road. Once the new weigh pit is complete, NZTA will install roadside safety barrier to separate it from the state highway.
This safety improvement project is expected to be completed by the end of the year.