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Waitomo's Got Talent

1 Oct 2018, 1:58 PM


We have extended the closing date for Waitomo's Got Talent auditions to this Sunday 28 October.

The age bracket has been opened up for young people. Anyone aged from 10 – 24 years old can give it a go. Primary school students in years 6, 7, 8 are encouraged to audition.

Applicants can submit their auditions via data stick. Please print off and fill in the registration form and bring both into the Council by 5pm Friday 26th (tomorrow) or contact Community Development Coordinator Clowdy Ngatai on 021 369543 to arrange for delivery during the weekend. 

Click here to upload your audition.

We are very excited to announce the Youth Council's event - Waitomo's Got Talent.

Great Prizes up for grabs: 1st - $500, 2nd - $300, 3rd - $200 

Auditions close October 24th 2018

To enter you must be:

  • Living in the Waitomo District

  • Aged between 12 – 24yrs

  • Able to attend a live audition on 25.10.18, between 5 - 7:30pm
  • Have parent consent if younger than 18yrs.


Waitomo's Got Talent Poster