Feedback encouraged on WDC services and facilities
4 May 2023, 9:47 AM
Local residents are being encouraged to provide feedback on the services and facilities Waitomo District Council provides to its communities.
An invitation to complete WDC’s Residents’ Survey will soon hit letterboxes and email inboxes throughout the district, offering residents a chance to have their say.
The survey is being carried out by independent research company Versus Research Ltd on behalf of Council.
All residents aged 18 years and older living in the district are eligible to undertake the survey.
The survey gauges opinions on the services and facilities delivered by WDC and will be delivered to residents listed on the general and Māori electoral roll.
General Manager Strategy and Environment Alex Bell says it is important Council understands the views of residents and what they think of Council’s performance over the past two years.
“We deliver a number of services and facilities and this will help capture a range of views as to how we’re tracking. Responses will identify areas for improvement and help us prioritise our services over the long term,” he says.
The survey can be completed online or returned by post. Those who complete it before the close off date will be invited to enter a draw to win a $250 New World Gift Card.
Personal information provided by respondents will not be made available to the public or any WDC staff.
“We’re encouraging residents to share their views with us. It helps shape our plans and prioritise so it’s important we hear from you,” says Alex.
Survey results will be included in WDC’s Annual Report published later in the year.
The survey needs to be returned by Friday, 2 June.
Residents who don’t receive a paper copy can pick one up from Council’s main office in Queen Street, Te Kūiti, Waitomo District Library, Te Kūiti i-SITE or call 0800 932 4357 to request a copy.