Tree planting and plaque to acknowledge Coronation of King Charles III

6 May 2023, 3:43 PM

A very lovely and fitting occasion was held at Redwood Park in Te Kūiti today to mark the Coronation of King Charles III.

The ceremony was officiated by Tangata whenua and Ngāti Rōrā iwi representative Rāniera Winikerei and Deputy Mayor Allan Goddard.

Rāniera acknowledged King Tūheitia and his involvement with the coronation, the history of the relationship between the crown and iwi and how it will strengthen over time.

Allan spoke of New Zealand’s special gift to King Charles to mark his coronation -  a donation of $1m to ‘Trees That Count’ which will work with the Department of Conservation and community groups to plant more than 100,000 native trees in He Rā Rākau Tītapu - King Charles III Coronation Plantings.

The donation will create a living legacy to benefit all New Zealanders, provide more resilience against climate change, and aligns with King Charles’s lifelong interest in environmental conservation.

Today’s planting of a Kowhai tree is Waitomo District Council’s local contribution to the initiative.

The tree was planted by Reverend and Kaumātua Barney Winikerei and Allan, who both also unveiled the plaque.

The Coronation has been marked in a similar way by most councils across Aotearoa to signify the start of a nationwide million-dollar planting effort, which aligns with the King’s many commitments to conservation and sustainability.

The community event was attended by Taranaki-King Country MP Barbara Kuriger, members of our local RSA, former NZDF, Ngāti Rōrā, Council elected members and staff, and members of the public.