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Freedom Camping Bylaw Review

8 Jul 2022, 8:40 AM

We are currently reviewing the Freedom Camping Bylaw and would like your feedback.

 The Bylaw was first adopted by Council in November 2018 and came into effect 1 January 2019. Council is required to review its Bylaw within five years of it being adopted.

This scheduled review of the Bylaw has provided an opportunity to make some minor amendments and updates to the Bylaw, such as removal of the Kiritehere Cemetery Reserve as a restricted area for freedom camping as it has been identified as a Site or Area of Significance to Māori (SASM) and is therefore being classified as a prohibited camping area.  

 Submissions open 8 July and close 5pm on 5 Friday August 2022

Click here to read the statement of proposal and to make an online submission