Severe Thunderstorm Watch

Metservice has issued a severe thunderstorm watch for our district for Friday 7 February 2025. The watch is valid from 2pm to 8pm. Stay safe and follow Metservice to stay up to date.


WDYC call for entries to youth photo competition

22 Sep 2020, 2:32 PM

Waitomo District Youth Council (WDYC) are asking rangatahi to submit photos to feature in their exhibition which will form part of the Maniapoto Arts Festival to be held in November.


Working alongside art festival organisers Manipoto Family Violence Intervention Network (MFVIN) WDYC will curate their own photo exhibition which will be made up of photos from Waitomo youth (rangatahi). 


Clowdy Ngatai, manager - community development says, “Our youth council were really keen to have rangatahi representation within the exhibition. They have a powerful voice, so anyway we can share that and connect them with what is going on in the community is always positive.”


Supported by the Waitomo District Council since 2017 the WDYC was set up to engage youth and
encourage youth participation in the community. This year’s members are Te Kuiti High School’s Izarna Ngatai-Wilson, Taetia Kopa, Hinearangi Ngatai, Halima Shah and Piopio College’s Callum Harrison.


“One of the great things about being part of the youth council is that our team get to gain great experience and at the same time add value to the community.  Through the exhibition they will learn event management, how to work with different people and gain valuable confidence for the next step in their journey,” says Clowdy.


The theme for the photo exhibition is Kia tau te mauri.


“The theme is all about being settled and present within your life essence, which we thought was important to demonstrate with everything going on with Covid. We have so much creative talent across the district and the team are excited to see what that means for different people.”


Finalists will have their entries enlarged and displayed as part of the exhibition.  All finalists will keep their enlarged image and the winner will take home $200 to spend locally.


Entry is open to Waitomo rangatahi aged 14-24. Photo must be received by 16 October. Entry information is available on Waitomo District Councils Facebook page and website. The Maniapoto Arts Festival will be held from 17-20 November, Te Kuiti.


Click here for more details on how to enter.