WDC Notices
4 Oct 2018, 10:00 AM
Draft Freedom Camping Bylaw and amendments to the Public Places Bylaw 2009 and Public Amenities Bylaw 2010
Waitomo District Council proposes to implement a new Freedom Camping Bylaw to manage freedom camping within the Waitomo District, and as a result of the new Bylaw, Waitomo District Council also intends to amend the Public Places Bylaw 2009 and Public Amenities Bylaw 2010 where it relates to camping.
The proposed Bylaw aims to minimise potential environmental and health effects and to improve visitor’s personal safety by providing for better control and management of freedom camping within the Waitomo District, by defining those Council owned or managed sites where freedom camping needs to be either restricted or prohibited.
Copies of the Summary of Information and Statement of Proposal are available from:
- Waitomo District Council, Queen St, Te Kuiti
- Waitomo District Library
- Te Kuiti i-SITE
A copy can also be viewed here.
Council invites interested persons to make written submissions on matters within the proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw, and the amended Public Places Bylaw and Public Amenities Bylaw.
The consultation period takes place from 4 October 2018 to 2 November 2018. Written submissions may be submitted to Council by post, hand delivered or by email and must be received by Council by 5pm 2 November 2018.
Details are:
POST: Waitomo District Council PO Box 404 Te Kuiti 3941
DELIVER TO: Waitomo District Council Queen Street Te Kuiti
EMAIL: [email protected]