Safety around the Te Ara Tika construction site and railway track
11 May 2021, 1:42 PM
WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SAFETY || Waitomo District Council has noted public comments about people moving the temporary safety fencing surrounding the Te Ara Tika construction site to cross the rail tracks from Rora Street to access the skatepark in Carroll Street.
Measures are being taken by the contractor to address that.
The safety of residents and users of the nearby skatepark, and more immediately, around the bridge construction site (Te Ara Tika), is of the utmost importance to Council, the contractor, and the community.
Railway track crossing points can be dangerous. So are active construction sites. We ask people to not enter the Te Ara Tika construction site.
And at all times, please do not cross the railway tracks except at the designated crossing points.
While construction is in progress, access to Carroll Street is available via the Awakino Road and Ward Street rail crossings.
Access to the skatepark from Carroll Street remains open.