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Please conserve water - Western area of Te Kūiti

10 Nov 2023, 12:14 PM

UPDATE: The main waterline has been repaired, but we are expecting it to take a bit longer until we are fully operational and water supply reaches all areas again.
Don't forget that when you turn your taps on again, there is likely to be dirty water. Please flush until the water is clear.
This would be a great opportunity to collect the water in a bucket to pour on your vege garden or flower garden.
A main waterline connected to our Hetet Street reservoir in Te Kūiti has been broken while nearby works were being undertaken.
There is a likelihood that houses in the western area of Te Kūiti may experience an interruption in water supply.
We ask at this time for you to please conserve water while we work to fix the breakage.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.