Updated Council Meeting Schedule
16 Nov 2023, 10:35 AM
The following is an updated Waitomo District Council and Committee Meetings Schedule for the remainder of the 2023 Calendar Year.
- Tuesday 28 November 2023 9am Council Monthly Meeting
- Tuesday 12 December 2023 9am Appointments and Chief Executive Relationship Committee (postponed from 9 November 2023)
Note: This meeting will be public excluded and therefore will not be livestreamed or recorded.
Any member(s) of the public wishing to speak at a Council meeting are required to gain approval from the Mayor at least two working days prior to the meeting.
An invitation is extended to members of the public to attend these meetings for observation purposes.
Meetings of Council are webcast in real time to the Waitomo District Council website and are also made available for viewing on demand as soon as reasonably practicable following the meeting.
A copy of the agendas for these meetings will be available on Council’s Website two working days before the meeting.