Upgrading our water supply infrastructure
Over the last ten years, Waitomo District Council has focussed on core infrastructure investments to ensure we meet legislative compliance and to meet the health and well-being outcomes of our residents now and into the future.
Some of the projects we have completed include:
Te Kūiti Water Supply
- Replacement of part of a main water pipe connected to the Te Kūiti water reticulation network (Waitete Road).
- Replacement of a primary water supply pipe that feeds the Blackman’s Reservoir located near the public rest area on Awakino Road, and
- The pump station on Awakino Road, was completely upgraded with new, energy efficient water pumps on a duty/standby configuration. New pipe connections and control valve were installed.
- A water meter reading programme for Te Kūiti was implemented along with bulk reticulation monitoring. This has resulted in the identification and elimination of a considerable number of leaks. This programme is ongoing.
- A section of Te Kumi Road water main was upgraded and a ring main completed near the Te Kumi Loop lay-by, including a water connection to the new Gull Service Station.
- A major water connection was completed on Rora Street.
- Fire hydrants were improved by installing a section of 100mm main toward the rear of the Te Kuiti Primary School from Rora Street. Additional valves were also installed to facilitate shut-downs for maintenance.
- The new BP Service Station received a new water connection.
- The water main in Haines Terrace was replaced due to its very poor condition.
- A section of Kent Street water main was replaced and a ring main formed to complete a section of reticulation.
- Replacement of water main on Hetet Street.
- Henderson/Earl Street ring main was completed.
- Replacement of water main on Cotter Street.
Click here to read about the Te Kūiti Water Treatment Plant Upgrade.
Mōkau Water Supply
- Completion of the construction of a raw water storage dam at Mōkau which has doubled the capacity of the town’s raw drinking water storage to 20,000 cubic metres and provides a secure and adequate water supply to Awakino and Mōkau communities.
- Mōkau Water Supply system water main along State Highway 3.
- Renewal of part of the water reticulation network in Mōkau – installation of additional valves to improve the functionality of the network.
- The Mōkau Storage Dam compliance with the Building Code work was undertaken and completed.
- Ultra Violet disinfection was installed with coagulation and sedimentation improvements.
Piopio Water Supply
- A new ring feed rider main was installed in Piopio with new connections to the properties.
- The Piopio Reservoir was checked for earth quake resilience and found to be insufficiently reinforced to comply. Soil condition assessments and design for a new reservoir are under way, and a design for a new reservoir was done.
- Installation of membrane at water treatment plant.
Maniaiti/Benneydale Water Supply
- Ultra Violet disinfection upgrades.
- Installation of SCADA equipment was finalised, this technology allows the automatic gathering of data in real time from the treatment facility in a relative remote location. Thus meeting the requirements of the Drinking Water Act and improves control of treatment plant equipment and operating conditions.
Information about the Te Kūiti Water Treatment Plant Upgrade
The Te Kūiti Water Treatment Plant has been upgraded to provide Ultra-violet (UV) disinfection, and meet the standards set by the Health (Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2005 (amended in 2008), ensuring the provision of high-quality water that will benefit the people who live in and visit our communities, for generations to come.
We have completed phase one of the Te Kūiti Water Treatment Plant upgrade, which involved:
- Construction of new building housing the laboratory.
- Self-bunded chemical tanks and dosing system.
- Ultraviolet disinfection reactors.
- Underground storage tanks for buffer volume and backwash.
- Pumps and four new filters with individual outlets to meet NZ Drinking Water Standards.
- Instrumentation and SCADA control.
- Refurbishment of the main reservoir.
- Refurbishment of all clarifiers.
Future upgrades to reticulation network
Parts of the water reticulation network contain aged infrastructure (pipes and valves) that have reached the end of its useful life and is vulnerable to failure, loss of water and supply interruptions.
We are undertaking a renewal programme to replace or upgrade sections of the network.
Photo: Corrosion of a water main with iron and manganese deposits on the pipe walls.