Water Safety Plans
Each water supply is required to have a developed and approved Water Safety Plan (WSP). The WSP takes a risk management approach to provide safe drinking water to communities. The WSP takes many aspects that govern the safe water supply into account.
Te Kūiti Water
The existing Public Health Risk Management Plan (PHRMP) is being worked to, as the Te Kūiti Water Treatment Plant is undergoing extensive upgrading. Once the upgrade work is complete a new Water Safety Plan will be developed and submitted to the Drinking Water Assessor of the Waikato District Health Board.
Mōkau Water
The existing Public Health Risk Management Plan (PHRMP) is being worked to. A new Water Safety Plan is being developed for the upgraded Water Treatment Plant. Once the new WSP has been developed it will be submitted to the Drinking Water Assessor of the Waikato District Health Board.
Piopio Drinking Water Supply (PDF 1.74 MB)
Maniaiti/Benneydale Drinking Water Supply (PDF 1.85 MB)