Water supply service interruptions and programmed maintenance
When undertaking planned maintenance work that has the potential to temporarily interrupt the water supply service, a notice will be provided to affected properties.
Things you may wish to do:
- store some bottled water for general usage
- switch off the hot water cylinder or don't use your hot water
- turn off the taps to the automatic washing machine
- make sure there are no clothes or items in the sink in case a tap is left on accidentally
- turn your toby off at your boundary
- once the water is back on, turn on the closest tap to your toby, let it run for a few minutes.
Problems you may experience when the water is back on:
Cloudy or white water
No health concerns, this is usually air trapped in the water. Turn on a tap on for at least 5 minutes to run it clear. If the water is still cloudy after this - contact us
Dirty or rusty water
Flushing of the mains has stirred up residue in the pipe. Turn your tap on for at least five minutes to run it clear. If the water is still rusty - contact us
Plumbing or pressure problems
There may be a temporary drop in water pressure. If pressure or volume remains low, turn on your outside tap hard for a few minutes, if there is still low pressure - contact us
Give us a call if you have any questions or concerns about your water.
Free phone 0800 932 4357 – this service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.