Large scale works along Carroll Street/SH3 in New Year

Significant traffic diversions will be in place in the New Year as large-scale works will be undertaken along Carroll Street/SH3 in Te Kūiti. From mid-January 2025, Carroll Street/SH3 will be reduced to one lane to allow for Council’s contractor Camex Civil to replace a large watermain. Read more

Council completes new effluent soakage field at Mokau

23 Dec 2015, 10:01 AM

A new effluent soakage field has been constructed on land adjacent to the Mokau Hall and public toilets to service these facilities.

Waitomo District Council has been planning this work for some time. Development was delayed while the negotiation of land purchase from The Ministry of Education took place.

The new soakage field will assist in alleviating odours and by providing an improved level of hygiene.

Construction underway for new wastewater disposal soakage field Mokau toilets 

Image of fenced off wastewater disposal soakage field Mokau