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Road name change – Urban portion of Walker Road to Walker Street

18 Dec 2023, 3:34 PM

Waitomo District Council (WDC) has recently conducted an analysis of the property addressing database.  Walker Road was identified as having duplicate addresses. 

Property addressing is needed for mail, emergency services (fire, police, ambulance), as well as utilities like power and water.  It is also the basis of New Zealand’s voting system. As such it is important to ensure the property addressing database is as accurate as possible.

In order to resolve this duplication and ensure the potential for confusion and delayed response from vital services is eliminated, WDC has made a decision to re-name the urban portion of Walker Road to Walker Street.  The affected section or urban portion is identified on the aerial map below.

WDC will ensure the new address information is provided to the Electoral Service and the Land Information New Zealand national dataset which is accessed by NZ Post. New road signs will be in place later this month.   

WDC has informed affected parties directly however should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Waitomo District Council on 0800 932 4357.