2021 Agenda & Minutes
Please note: Council minutes are published in the Agenda of the consecutive Council meeting.
14 December 2021 Extraordinary Council
View the recording of today's meeting
Agenda 14 December 2021 (PDF 512 KB)
30 November 2021
View the recording of today's meeting
- Agenda 2021-11-30 Agenda Order Paper (PDF 213 KB)
- Agenda 2021-11-30 File 1 (PDF 2.57 MB)
- Agenda 2021-11-30 File 2 (PDF 4.34 MB)
- Provision of Services Grant Fund - Annual Reports 2020-2021 (PDF 6.38 MB)
- Progress Report - Three Waters Reform Project Delivery 30 September 2021 (PDF 886 KB)
26 October 2021
View the recording of today's meeting
- Agenda 2021-10-26 Agenda Order Paper (PDF 188 KB)
- Agenda 2021-10-26 File 1 (PDF 4 MB)
- Agenda Separate Enclosure - Local Government Funding Agency Annual Report for year ended 30 June 2021 (PDF 12.88 MB)
- Agenda Separate Enclosure - WDC Draft Annual Report 2020-21 (PDF 7.94 MB)
28 September 2021
View the recording of today's Council meeting
- Agenda 2021-09-28 - Agenda Order Paper (PDF 197 KB)
- Agenda 2021-09-28 File 1 (PDF 1.7 MB)
31 August 2021
View the recording of today's Council meeting
- Agenda 2021-08-31 Agenda Order Paper (PDF 185 KB)
- Agenda 2021-08-31 File 1 (PDF 2.69 MB)
27 July 2021
- Agenda 2021-07-27 Agenda Order Paper (PDF 187 KB)
- Agenda 2021-07-27 (PDF 3.57 MB)
29 June 2021 - Council Meeting
View the recording of today's Council meeting
- Agenda 2021-06-29 Agenda Order Paper (PDF 195 KB)
- Agenda 2021-06-29 File 1 (PDF 5.36 MB)
- Agenda 2021-06-29 File 2 (PDF 4.91 MB)
- Draft 10YP 2021-2031 (PDF 10.01 MB)
- Draft Policy on Appointment of Directors to Council Controlled Organisations 2021 (PDF 245 KB)
- Draft Rates Remission Policy 2021 (PDF 494 KB)
- Draft Revenue and Financing Policy 2021 (PDF 2.1 MB)
- Draft Significance and Engagement Policy 2021 (PDF 742 KB)
- Draft Treasury Policy 2021 (PDF 301 KB)
- LGNZ 2021 Annual General Meeting - Remits (PDF 5.92 MB)
9 June 2021 - 10YP Deliberations
View the recording of the 10 Year Plan Deliberations
- Agenda 2021-06-09 (PDF 713 KB)
- Agenda 2021-06-09 Agenda Order Paper (PDF 59 KB)
27 May 2021 - 10YP Submission Hearing
To view the livestream video of today's 10 Year Plan Submission Hearing, click here
- Agenda 2021-05-27 File 1 (PDF 241 KB)
001 Steve Tritt (PDF 690 KB)
002 Ruth Auliff-Leonard (PDF 157 KB)
003 Daryll Trow (PDF 165 KB)
004 Adrian Hodge (PDF 956 KB)
005 John Thom (PDF 613 KB)
006 Patrick Hine (PDF 527 KB)
007 NZ Memorial Museum Trust (PDF 739 KB)
008 Waikato Conservation Board (PDF 455 KB)
009 Dorothy Joy Lowry (PDF 564 KB)
010 Waikato Regional Council (PDF 223 KB)
011 Michelle S (PDF 581 KB)
012 Sheree Heath (PDF 615 KB)
013 Water Safety NZ (PDF 622 KB)
014 Stephanie Smith-Kerr (PDF 97 KB)
015 Mokau Member of the community (PDF 175 KB)
016 Karen Barrett (PDF 990 KB)
017 Jenelle Burnell (PDF 121 KB)
018 P Johns (PDF 257 KB)
019 Rob Scott (PDF 782 KB)
020 Jim Anderson (PDF 853 KB)
021 Lynda Skinner (PDF 210 KB)
022 Matthew Maxwell (PDF 119 KB)
023 Mary Davis (PDF 543 KB)
024 Ross & Janis MacDonald (PDF 181 KB)
025 Lisa Hill (PDF 970 KB)
026 Sally Stuart (PDF 221 KB)
027 Amanda Hema - Te Waka (PDF 218 KB)
028 Carolyn McAlley - Heritage New Zealand (PDF 157 KB)
029 Members of Community - Piopio (PDF 201 KB)
030 Madelien Scholten - Waikato Screen (PDF 500 KB)
031 Melanie Simpson - Fatpigeon (PDF 855 KB)
032 Lovinia Ball (PDF 97 KB)
033 Tim Lester - The Lines Company (PDF 290 KB)
034 Maxine Lovell (PDF 38 KB)
035 Paul Buist (PDF 101 KB)
036 Rebecca (PDF 224 KB)
037 Shay-Lee Wylie (PDF 114 KB)
038 Katrina Winn (PDF 316 KB)
039 Melissa Sinton - QEII National Trust (PDF 467 KB)
040 Russell Aldridge - Te Kuiti and District Historical Charitable Trust (PDF 400 KB)
041 John Ash (PDF 452 KB)
042 Dr Jeremy Mayall - Creative Waikato (PDF 5.35 MB)
043 Amy Marfell - Sport Waikato (PDF 700 KB)
044 Annette Parkinson (PDF 94 KB)
045 Myron Rapana (PDF 1016 KB)
046 Tina Kowhai Bel (PDF 864 KB)l
047 Shannon Bell (PDF 751 KB)
048 Jan Cherie Kearins (PDF 830 KB)
049 Kyle Barnes (PDF 205 KB)
050 Kahutoi Te Kanawa - Maniapoto Maara Kai Roopu (PDF 195 KB)
051 Tollemache C W (PDF 557 KB)
052 Kingi Turner (PDF 918 KB)
053 Clowdy Ngatai - Waitomo District Youth Council (PDF 308 KB)
054 Hilary Walker - Federated Farmers of New Zealand (PDF 736 KB)
055 Alannah Batger (PDF 31 KB)
056 K C Hill (PDF 1.27 MB)
057 Sam Tata (PDF 1.13 MB)
058 Jason Dawson - Hamilton & Waikato Tourism (PDF 964 KB)
059 Jane Kearins - Marokopa Community Group (PDF 194 KB)
060 Kahutoi Te Kanawa - Waitomo Rates and Residence Collective (PDF 213 KB)
061 Kyle Barnes - Tere Waitomo Community Trust (PDF 173 KB)
062 Maniapoto Maori Trust Board (PDF 227 KB)
27 April 2021
To view the recording of the meeting, please click the following links: Part 1 and Part 2
- Agenda 2021-04-27 File 1 (PDF 3.06 MB)
- Agenda 2021-04-27 Agenda Order Paper (PDF 57 KB)
16 April 2021
Due to technical issues beyond our control, the following recording starts 1 hr into the meeting. We apologise for the inconvenience
- Agenda 2021-04-16 Amended Order Paper (PDF 80 KB)
- Motion to Exclude the Public (PDF 45 KB)
- Agenda 2021-04-16 File 1 (PDF 1.69 MB)
- Attachment 1a - Treasury Policy 2021 (PDF 209 KB)
- Attachment 1b - Significance and Engagement Policy 2021 (PDF 587 KB)
- Attachment 1c - Forecasting Assumptions 2021-2031 10YP (PDF 1.99 MB)
- Attachment 1d - Performance measures 2021-2031 10YP (PDF 280 KB)
- Attachment 1e - Prospective Financial Statements (PDF 272 KB)
- Attachment 1f - Accounting Policies (PDF 790 KB)
- Attachment 1g - Funding Impact Statement and Rates Examples (PDF 2.08 MB)
- Attachment 1h - Prospective Funding Impact Statements (PDF 480 KB)
- Attachment 1i - Financial Reporting and Prudence Benchmarks Disclosure Statement (PDF 112 KB)
- Attachment 1j - Council Controlled Organisations - Statement (PDF 66 KB)
- Attachment 2 - Financial Strategy 2021 (PDF 1.2 MB)
- Attachment 3 - Infrastructure Strategy 2021-2051 (PDF 1.34 MB)
- Attachment 4a - Draft Waitomo District Council Revenue and Financing Policy 2021 (PDF 1.07 MB)
- Attachment 4b - Draft Rates Remission Policy 2021 (PDF 313 KB)
- Attachment 4c - Summary of Changes to Revenue and Financing Policy 2021 and Rates Remission Policy 2021 (PDF 1.5 MB)
- Attachment 5 - 10YP 2021-2031 Consultation Document (PDF 491 KB)
30 March 2021
To view the recording of the meeting, please click here
- Agenda 2021-03-30 Agenda Order Paper (PDF 57 KB)
- Agenda 2021-03-30 File 1 (PDF 3.63 MB)
- Separate Enclosure - Creative Waikato - Powerpoint Presentation (PDF 1.91 MB)
- Separate Enclosure - Creative Waikato - Waikato Arts Navigator Report to Waitomo District Council (PDF 5.02 MB)
12 March 2021
To view the recording of the meeting, please click here
- Agenda 2021-03-12 Agenda Order Paper (PDF 57 KB)
- Agenda 2021-03-12 File 1 (PDF 677 KB)
- Draft 2021-2031 10 Year Plan Consultation Document (PDF 986 KB)
- Supporting Information 2a - Revenue and Financing Policy 2021 (PDF 2.44 MB)
- Supporting Information 2b - Draft Rates Remission Policy 2021 (PDF 614 KB)
- Supporting Information 2c - Draft Treasury Policy 2021 (PDF 399 KB)
- Supporting Information 2d - Draft Significance and Engagement Policy 2021 (PDF 772 KB)
- Supporting Information 2e - Draft Forecasting Assumptions 2021-31 10YP (PDF 2.16 MB)
- Supporting Information 2f - Service Performance measures 2021-31 10YP (PDF 519 KB)
- Supporting Information 2g - Draft Prospective Financial Statements (PDF 334 KB)
- Supporting Information 2h - Draft Accounting Policies (PDF 820 KB)
- Supporting Information 2i - Draft Funding Impact Statement and Rates Examples (PDF 2.19 MB)
- Supporting Information 2j - Draft Prospective Funding Impact Statements (PDF 506 KB)
- Supporting Information 2k - Financial Reporting and Prudence Benchmarks (PDF 159 KB)
- Supporting Information 2l - Council Controlled Organisations Statement (PDF 162 KB)
- Supporting Information 3 - Draft Financial Strategy 2021 (PDF 1.33 MB)
- Supporting Information 4 - Draft Infrastructure Strategy 2021-2051 (PDF 1.85 MB)
- Public Debt History Graph (PDF 39 KB)